.NET Tutorial


Learning Globalyzer

The Globalyzer Tutorial for .NET explains the basic steps involved in using Globalyzer for a simple .NET Web application internationalization (i18n) project. The tutorial steps you through the process of configuring Globalyzer, scanning your code, and fixing the i18n problems detected by the scanner.

It takes approximately one hour to complete the tutorial. After completing the tutorial, you will be able to configure and use Globalyzer for your own i18n project.

What is Globalyzer?

Internationalizing source code can halt or seriously delay market opportunities outside of your home country market. Solving those problems can be difficult, expensive and time-consuming.

Globalyzer helps you:

  • Assess the scope of your internationalization effort,
  • Identify internationalization (i18n) issues in source code, and
  • Correct those issues.

This software makes a huge productivity difference in managing your internationalization activities.

For example, if you need to internationalize a .NET Web application, Globalyzer will help you identify places in your HTML, Javascript and C# code that contain embedded text or methods sensitive to specific cultures.

Globalyzer also locates embedded text errors, such as hardcoded text fields or button labels. You can easily correct these embedded text errors using Globalyzer's externalization feature. The externalization feature automatically places the text into a resource file and inserts into your code the appropriate method call to retrieve the text based on the user's locale. Translators can then create locale-specific versions of the resource file, ensuring that the correctly translated text will be retrieved based on the user's locale.

In addition to locale-sensitive methods and embedded text, Globalyzer helps you find and fix image and other static file references, as well as general text patterns that you can define and customize using regular expressions.

For basic information on regular expressions, click here.

This tutorial focuses on the process of externalizing embedded text from your application into .resx resource files. It also explains how to handle culture-sensitive methods and concatenated strings.