Globalyzer Lite Overview


Globalyzer Lite is ideal for scanning code for internationalization issues on the fly and generating corresponding reports. It does not require an external database, therefore multiple instances of Globalyzer Lite can be run concurrently. Globalyzer Lite parses and executes Globalyzer Lite Project Definition XML files. This bypasses the need to create projects and scans using Globalyzer Workbench. Additionally, using Globalyzer Lite is simpler than writing your own Java program that calls the Globalyzer API.

Why use Globalyzer Lite?

Globalyzer Lite can be used by developers with minimal configuration from within Visual Studio, Eclipse, and Intellij IDEA. Project Definition files can be created by i18n specialists and shared with teams of developers.

Additionally, Globalyzer Lite can be run from within various continuous integration systems. For example, it can be triggered when source code is updated. Globalyzer Lite will run scans as defined in the Project Definition file and generate Scan Reports stored on the local system. The Lingoport Dashboard can then access those reports and display them. Click here for information on integrating Globalyzer Lite with the Lingoport Dashboard and your build system.

What comes with Globalyzer Lite?

Globalyzer Lite is delivered in a zip file (downloadable from the server as is the Workbench) that includes the following:

  • data (directory)
  • lib (directory)
  • EclipseClickableConsolePlugin.jar (an Eclipse plugin)
  • license (directory)
  • globalyzer.cfg.xml (file)
  • globalyzer-lite.jar (the main Globalyzer Lite program file)
  • install-lite.bat (file)
  • (file)
  • log4j2.xml (file)
  • README.txt (file)

What is the difference between the Globalyzer API and Globalyzer Lite?

Globalyzer Lite makes use of the Globalyzer API. It is easier to setup Globalyzer Lite than it is to develop an in-house Java program to call the API, although the API is extremely flexible. Globalyzer Lite uses Project Definition XML files which are simple to create, use, read, and share within teams. Additionally, Globalyzer Lite runs without an external database. Because of this, multiple instances of Globalyzer Lite can be run simultaneously.

What is the difference between Globalyzer Lite and Globalyzer Workbench?

Globalyzer Workbench is a standalone development environment designed for i18n work. This can include refactoring code for the purpose of fixing i18n issues, externalizing embedded strings, and refining rule sets for detecting i18n issues. It is well suited for i18n experts. Globalyzer Workbench is a full Eclipse-based i18n IDE which may not be appropriate for non-i18n specialists.

Globalyzer Lite forgoes the interactivity of Globalyzer Workbench. Instead, it focuses on being lightweight, fast, parallelizable, and friendly towards typical developers. All configuration necessary for running multiple project scans with Globalyzer Lite is contained within Project Definition files, which can be distributed to an entire team. Globalyzer Lite can be run from IDEs with the click of a button and has been tested with Visual Studio, Eclipse, and Intellij IDEA.

Globalyzer Workbench features not included in Globalyzer Lite:

  • String externalization
  • Incremental scans
  • Storing persistent information in a client database

Globalyzer Lite features not supported by Globalyzer Workbench:

  • IDE integration
  • Lightweight execution
  • Easy distribution of Project Definition files
  • Support for simultaneous execution of multiple instances