Internationalization and localization tools

Culture-Sensitive VB.NET Method

using System

Public Function ToLower As String

Public Function ToLower(culture As CultureInfo) As String

Internationalization (I18n) Method Overview

The ToLower method returns a copy of this String converted to lowercase, using the casing rules of either the passed in culture, or the current culture on most platforms.

For more information see Microsoft's MSDN online documentation.

I18n Issues

On Silverlight, and starting with .NET Framework 4.0, ToLower() uses the casing rules from the invariant culture (which is English with no country/region) instead of the current culture (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture). This will result in this method having a different behavior on these platforms. Therefore, use the String.ToLower(CultureInfo) overload to ensure that the desired culture is used, regardless the platform.

Culture and Number Format Information


Lingoport internationalization and localization services and software