Internationalization and localization tools

Culture-Sensitive C# Method

using System.IO

public static void WriteLine(bool value);

public static void WriteLine(char value);

public static void WriteLine(char[] buffer);

public static void WriteLine(decimal value);

public static void WriteLine(double value);

public static void WriteLine(int value);

public static void WriteLine(long value);

public static void WriteLine(Object value);

public static void WriteLine(float value);

public static void WriteLine(string value);

public static void WriteLine(uint value);

public static void WriteLine(ulong value);

public static void WriteLine(string format, Object arg0);

public static void WriteLine(string format, params Object[] arg);

public static void WriteLine(char[] buffer, int index, int count);

public static void WriteLine(string format, Object arg0, Object arg1);

public static void WriteLine(string format, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2);

public static void WriteLine(string format, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3);

Internationalization (I18n) Method Overview

The WriteLine method writes the current line terminator to the standard output stream.

For more information see Microsoft's MSDN online documentation.

I18n Issues

The Writeline method relies on a user's system to be set up correctly and being able to properly display the contents passed through the parameters. There is no guarantee that for example Japanese characters will show up uncorrupted in the console for a North American or European user.

WriteLine(Boolean) - Since this will write a text representation of the boolean value to the console, there is an inherent translation problem here. The recommended fix is to pass in the translated values for 'True' or 'False' instead.

WriteLine(Single) and WriteLine(double) both rely on the locale being set correctly. For example, if Locale is not taken into account, problems are likely to arise with decimal commas vs decimal periods.

C# Encoding Information


Lingoport internationalization and localization services and software